How does it work?

We connect our users to programs that they’re interested in based on app interactions, then we take a commission fee of the students’ first year of tuition for each student that applies and enrolls through the app.

How much does it cost?

We do not charge our training program partners any setup, listing, or advertising fees.

There is no initial fee to be listed on the platform, nor do we pass any of our marketing costs onto our partners. We handle all of the marketing expenses and focus on driving traffic to our app. App users can download and use Wend Care for free.

We charge a commission fee when students enroll in your program, so we only make money if you do!

How do students receive funding for courses?

Some will be self-pay, and some may receive some assistance in the form of grants, etc. We don’t provide funding to the students; however, we do try to educate them on what their options are.

My classes have a two-week turnaround time. Will I get paid before or after completion of the class?

We will not handle any of your billing. Each organization is free to operate and bill their students as they normally do. Our role is to connect interested students and take a commission for doing so.

What are you averaging in terms of seats filled?

To date, we have connected over 30,000 students with the programs that best fit their post/secondary needs. This healthcare platform is a new pivot for us, but we hope to replicate the types of results we’ve had in the past. In the end, average seats per program/organization will depend on a number of factors (ie. cost, geography, etc.).

Are you going to advertise my program on the platform?

All programs on our platform will be matched with compatible users based on the students’ interests and other data points.

We pay to advertise our apps on social media, yet none of these costs are passed on to our partners. When we advertise on social media, we don’t advertise for one organization in particular—rather, we promote the platform as a whole to viewers interested in the healthcare space.

How will I know when a student is interested?

When a student indicates interest in your program or chooses to apply via the app, you will receive a notification. That student’s contact information will be available in your Wend Care portal for you to reach out to them and complete the application process.